Before I post my weekly update, I wanted to reflect that one year ago my DH and I started on this road to having a family. It's hard to believe that in one year how things can change. I know that isn't always the case for those of you who are on the same path, but know that one day a family will be yours. I believe that blessings aren't always wrapped up in pretty packages and delivered with rainbows and butterflies. Sometimes it takes some tears and raindrops in order to get that little blessing you've been waiting for. I've been walking this journey with a friend who is experiencing infertility due to endometriosis, and it's so hard, because you've walked in those shoes and you know what it feels like to want something so bad, and not matter how hard you "work" for it, it's not a guarantee. Her and all of the women out there who are faced with infertility know the pain and the struggles it takes, but in the end, there is a great reward. Sometimes it doesn't come in the form of biological children, but a child nonetheless.
The DH and I are so blessed to be celebrating 3 years of wedded bliss on July 19th! :) It's just another piece to our puzzle since that is the day we find out if we have a boy or a girl! Our BUG will no longer be unidentified! :)
So here is the 18 week survey! :)
How far along: 18 weeks!
Size of baby: Baby's now the size of a sweet potato. Baby's become amazingly mobile (compared to you, at least), passing the hours yawning, hiccupping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking, and swallowing. And baby is finally big enough that you'll soon be able to feel her movements.
Maternity clothes: Finally went to maternity shorts and pants. The pressure was causing me to want to pee all the time!
Sleep: Sleeping MUCH BETTER with the aid of some benadryl!
Best moment of the week: 2 surprise parties and 2 baby showers and celebrating my Grammy's birthday.
Movement: Nothing yet, but we are getting close! :)
Symptoms: I'm actually symptom free at the moment. :)
Food cravings/aversions: Sweets!
Gender: We find out on our 3 year anniversary...July 19th.
Belly button in or out: Still an innie! :)
Stretch marks: Oh, I've had those before baby!
What I miss: Tequila!
What I am looking forward to: Our anniversary dinner at VOLT.
Weekly wisdom: Take advantage of me time! It will be disappearing soon!!!
How is Mommy Feeling?
I've been feeling great! :)
How is Daddy Feeling?
Glad the baby can hear pearl jam.
Total weight gain?
5 pounds so far.
The Belly?
I finally have a noticeable bump. :)
What I'm looking forward to?
Feeling the baby move, hopefully soon. Finding out the gender! :)