Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Evelyn Grace's Birth Story

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I didn't take a 36 week and was waiting for the 38 week....but Evelyn came at 37 weeks and 5 days! 

Today, Mommy got up as she normally would with your big sister Eleanor. We ate breakfast and watched some Elmo. Eleanor and I tried to play outside, but the heat index was already up to 90 at 9:00 AM! We definitely were experiencing a heat wave.  Mommy's friend, Jan, came over to visit and play with Eleanor. Around 12:15 Mommy put Eleanor down for a nap, and was having some bad cramps. I laid down on the bed and texted Daddy that I wasn't feeling well. Around 12:50, I walked down stairs to get some lunch. I felt this little gush of water when I sat down. I thought maybe mommy peed her pants. I texted daddy again and told him that I though my water broke. He decided that he was coming home right away! Since I hadn't showered, I jumped in and took a quick shower and then dried my hair. I realized that this probably was the real deal! Mommy called Aunt Tacoma, who immediately told me to hang out the phone and call the Doctor's office!

Mommy and Daddy called Grandma Corbin to come over and watch your big sister. Grandma almost headed to Bay City because Great Grammy was going to the ER due to severe back pain! Eleanor was still napping. Mommy and daddy were particularly calm, making sure that we had all the necessary items before we left. Mommy ate a quick bagel and cheese sandwich, a mango Greek yogurt and a nectarine because it had been almost 7 hours since she had eaten breakfast!!

We arrived at Royal Oak Beaumont around 2:45. Daddy thought it was funny that Mommy wrote "leaking" as the reason we were there! Remember, with your sister, I didn't go through this experience...

Once we were admitted, they confirmed that my water had indeed broken. Dr. McClosky came by to tell us that I was not in active labor and not dilated and more than likely I would need another C-section. However, since mommy had just eaten lunch they had to wait 8 hours, so we were scheduled to deliver you at 9:30. In the mean time, they decided that if I did go into labor, we could try a natural delivery.

The nurse who did the IV was super nice, but with the adrenaline of the whole experience, Mommy ended up having a minor panic attack. It was quite scary, but I did recover.  Eventually we got a room around 5:00. Mommy was still only dilated to a 1. I decided around 7PM that I needed to get up and move around. This caused me SEVERE backpain. It was because your face was against my pelvis! It seemed like the longest 15 minutes of my life because the nurse could come in and get me an epidural. Once the epidural was in around 7:30, I felt more comfortable and could rest a bit easier. Daddy then went down for food as mommy rested. The nurses kept watching your heart beat because it was accelerating and decelerating in a weird pattern.

At 9:15 mommy was 3-4 cm dialted. The Doctor spent about 30 minutes with us trying to get the contraction monitor to register mommy's contractions. She asked daddy for a quarter. That magic quarter worked because then we could see the contractions. Mommy's pain kept breaking through the epidurla, and even with the bolster of medication, I was still in pain.  Mommy and Daddy watched "Whose Line is it Anyways" because "So You THinK You Can Dance" was not on due to the All Star Baseball game. (Mommy was NOT happy about this!)  Our nurse, Menka, took great care of Mommy and made sure she knew everything that was going on.

At 10:30, a resident came in to check mommy again because she had this overwhelming sense to push. The resident thought he was being funny, and asked Daddy to guess how far along Mommy was. Daddy said "For her sake, I hope she's a 10." Then he asked Mommy, and as I rolled my eyes with less optimism, I said 8. At that point, he said Dad was right and that it was time. Daddy barely got text messages out to your grandparents to come to the hospital.   The whole room transformed into a delivery room. Once I started pushing, and figured out what the feeling was, there was no stopping  Mommy. She was all in, especially when they mentioned getting the foreceps and Vacuum out to possibly help. Mommy thought "NO WAY..." and that motivated me even more to push. After 31 minutes of intense pushing, I felt you come out, and you were placed directly on my chest. You had this most beautiful head of dark hair and had the cutest pouty lip.

I couldn't believe that at 11:17,( Daddy made sure that your birth certificate said 11:17 not 11:18 because the wall clock said 11:17.) you had arrived. Mommy only pushed for 31 minutes!! You were 7 lbs 10 oz and 20 inches long. We decided on Evelyn Grace. You were almost Addison or Adelyn, but Evelyn means wished for child and you were definitely wished for!