Saturday, December 3, 2011

Eleanor Anne has arrived

It's hard to believe she is here. We went in for our C-Section on 11/17/11. Patrick and I were glad to walk into Labor and delivery without me being sick...and actually feeling semi decent! I was prepped and ready to go in no time. :)


I was taken into the OR at 1:36 and was prepped and ready to go. Poor Patrick had to wear this over sized spacesuit and had to wait in the hallway while they did my spinal block. Once the curtain was up and I was numb, they started the C-section. Patrick sat by my side. It was the oddest sensation when she was pulled out...because I could magically breathe! I looked at Patrick and let out a sigh of relief! Then the scary part started...our little girl wasn't crying. It seemed like the longest minute of my life, and I kept asking if she was ok. Patrick stood up and saw that they had to bag her to get her to breath. When she finally let out that wail...we both started crying. She weighed 7 lbs 3 oz and was 20 inches long. They brought her to Patrick all bundled up...and I could barely see her face. I asked him if she looked like an Eleanor and he responded "I forgot we had to name her!" He had been so wrapped up in her being ok...he forgot! I cannot describe to you those few minutes of seeing her. It was such an amazing moment. One I relive everyday. I had waited so long to get to that point, that our miracle was finally born!

Unfortunately she needed to go to the NICU for observation due to her breathing...and poor Patrick had to make the decision between me and the baby. I told him I was going to be fine and that he needed to go with her. On his way to the NICU, he passed the waiting area, and our parents were able to meet her! :) I'm so blessed her was able to go with her.

She did have several hurdles to overcome because she was a preemie. First she couldn't regulate her temperature. Then, we had issues breastfeeding and still do. In addition, she was getting jaundiced. Then she lost 10% of her birth weight! Luckily, we were able to come home and are getting into our routine.

Since this journey is no longer about infertility, I'm going to be switching to a different blog for now. When we attempt number 2, I'm sure I'll be back here. :)

Miss Eleanor Anne

 Holding My Baby for the first time....4 hours after she was born!

 Daddy and his little girl

Wearing our shirt home from Holli and Scott

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Week 36- 11/17/11

Today is the day....we've only dreamed of this happening. We are both excited and scared but overwhelmed with happiness that we are finally able to meet our little one. It seems like only yesterday we were struggling with infertility drugs, and found ourselves in a word of shots, needs and temperature charting. We are so blessed to be here. During this journey, I've found it so amazing, the women who've reached out and told me their stories. I've been able to give hope and a shoulder to cry on when things don't always work out as we want them to. Know that miracles happen and dream really do come true!!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

34/35 week!

Well, I'm going to stray from the formal survey since things have taken a HUGE turn! Let's go back a week ago. On 10/28, I was in labor and delivery again for uncontrollable vomiting. However, the night before, I had a weird episode of itching on my hands and feet, but it went away and didn't really think about it too much. The nurse midwife told us to follow up with the doctor if the itching returned. Well, it did make a return after I went and visited my new sweet Nephew Anthony, born on 11/3/11 :) On the way home from Ann Arbor, the itching started again. I thought "eh, it's just dry skin or something I ate." However at 3 AM, not even benedryl could touch the pain I was in. The on call doctor couldn't really offer anything more, but said if it didn't go away, to go in to L and D again. So Saturday morning, we are back at the hospital. After several blood tests, they did conclude that my liver enzymes were elevated and it was most likely due to "Cholestasis". They don't know what causes it or why it happens, but it can be dangerous to the baby. So, baby girl winters will make her debut next week, at 36 weeks. We are extremely excited to meet her! :)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

33 weeks!

How far along: 33 weeks!

Size of baby: This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds (heft a pineapple) and has passed the 17-inch mark. He's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his skeleton is hardening. The bones in his skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for him to fit through the birth canal. (The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a conehead-like appearance.) These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as his brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.

Maternity clothes: Definitely Are a must at this point.

Sleep: Up peeing 2-3 times a night...getting out of bed is quite a chore now.

Best moment of the week: Getting to see our pumpkin AGAIN...unfortunately I was in the ER. :( Knowing that we might have a possible delivery date too since she is breech..

Movement: She's a squirmer! I can feel her when I'm sitting or laying down. Now's she's breech! Her head is under my ribs...which is pleasant...

Symptoms: Ligament pain now in my Pelvis. makes it hard to walk.

Food cravings/aversions: Anything Sweet.....

Gender: It's a Girl!!

Belly button in or out: My belly button is non existent now!

Stretch marks: Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss:  Being able to breathe....

What I am looking forward to: Meeting me new niece or nephew

Weekly wisdom: Nothing ever goes the way you have it planned.

How is Mommy Feeling? More and more uncomfortable!

How is Daddy Feeling? Was moved by seeing her face during the ultrasound.

Total weight gain? 22lbs...ick!

The Belly? It's official...I have a big bump ;)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

How far along: 32 weeks!

Size of baby: By now, your baby weighs 3.75 pounds (pick up a large jicama) and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus. You're gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, she'll gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next 7 weeks as she fattens up for survival outside the womb. She now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). Her skin is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth.

Maternity clothes: Definitely Are a must at this point.

Sleep: Up peeing 2-3 times a night...getting out of bed is quite a chore now.

Best moment of the week: Getting to see our pumpkin...unfortunately I was in the ER. :(

Movement: She's a squirmer! I can feel her when I'm sitting or laying down. Now's she's breech!

Symptoms:  My body hurts...all my joints are killing me. :(

Food cravings/aversions: Anything Sweet.....

Gender: It's a Girl!!

Belly button in or out: My belly button is non existent now!

Stretch marks: Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss:  Wine...believe it or not!

What I am looking forward to: My school's baby shower. :)

Weekly wisdom: Make sure to rest...especially when you are sick!

How is Mommy Feeling? Stuffy nosed and sleepy!

How is Daddy Feeling? Wishing she would give mommy's ribs a rest and flip!

Total weight gain? 20lbs...ick!

The Belly? It's official...I have a big bump ;)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

31 weeks

How far along: 31 weeks!

Size of baby:Your baby's the size of a squash! He's about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds this month. He's getting so big, he's probably crowding your lungs.Welcome to week 31. Can you believe all five of baby’s senses are fully developed? He also keeps getting smarter. That’s probably good to know, since you might actually feel a little dumb. You’re not! It’s just that many moms-to-be find themselves acting absentmindedly during the third trimester. Some say that “pregnancy brain” isn’t a proven physical ailment, but can you think of another time in your life when you’ve had more on your mind than now? We’re guessing no. That right there is enough of a reason to be so forgetful. From 31 weeks on, you’re bound to feel a lot of the same symptoms -- some may get worse, some may become bearable. And you might start to have more trouble getting around as you get heavier and feel more and more short of breath. Remember not to push yourself too much. It’s good for you and baby to get some exercise, but definitely take breaks to rest as much as you need.

Maternity clothes: Definitely Are a must at this point.

Sleep: Up peeing 2-3 times a night...getting out of bed is quite a chore now.

Best moment of the week: Spending the day on Saturday shopping for our little one and then putting together the nursery. :)

Movement: She's a squirmer! I can feel her when I'm sitting or laying down.

Symptoms:  My body hurts...all my joints are killing me. :(

Food cravings/aversions: Anything Sweet.....

Gender: It's a Girl!!

Belly button in or out: My belly button is non existent now!

Stretch marks: Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss: Sleeping normally and not having to pee.

What I am looking forward to: Seeing our maternity photos! :)

Weekly wisdom: I'm the little engine that could...."I think I can, I think I can"

How is Mommy Feeling? This is getting a bit too real...

How is Daddy Feeling? Like we've turned a corner to the homestretch.

Total weight gain? I haven't weighed myself....

The Belly? It's official...I have a big bump ;)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

30 weeks...

How far along: 30 weeks!

Size of baby: Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and she weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but that volume will decrease as she gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face. (Normal adult vision is 20/20.)

Maternity clothes: Definitely Are a must at this point.

Sleep: Leg cramps have subsided...but it could be better.

Best moment of the week: Enjoying my mom's shower and seeing all our family and friends. PLUS our awesome maternity shoot! OH and meeting my BEAUTIFUL new niece, Brynn! :)

Movement: She's a squirmer! I can feel her when I'm sitting or laying down.

Symptoms:  My boobs hurt....

Food cravings/aversions: Anything Sweet.....

Gender: It's a Girl!!

Belly button in or out: My belly button is almost non existent now!

Stretch marks: Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss: Sleeping normally and not having to pee.

What I am looking forward to: Seeing our maternity photos! :)

Weekly wisdom: Oh to have my old body back....I'm ready!

How is Mommy Feeling? This is getting a bit too real...

How is Daddy Feeling? Like we've turned a corner to the homestretch.

Total weight gain? I haven't weighed myself....

The Belly? It's more than a little bump now!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

29 weeks....

How far along: 29 weeks!

Size of baby: Baby's now the size of a squash! Baby's energy is surging, thanks to white fat depositing beneath his skin. And since he's growing so fast (weight will triple by birth), things are getting kind of cramped in the womb. What all this means for you: Get ready for some more kicks and jabs to the ribs.

Maternity clothes: Definitely Are a must at this point.

Sleep: Leg cramps have subsided...but it could be better.

Best moment of the week: Feeling her so active throughout my day!

Movement: She's a squirmer! I can feel her when I'm sitting or laying down.

Symptoms:  Started with some heavy fatigue....

Food cravings/aversions: Anything Sweet.....

Gender: It's a Girl!!

Belly button in or out: My belly button is almost non existent now!

Stretch marks: Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss: Sleeping normally.

What I am looking forward to: My hubby's birthday, our Corbin baby shower and the UM football game!

Weekly wisdom: Oh to have my old body back....I'm ready!

How is Mommy Feeling? Feeling the pressure of the clock ticking down!!

How is Daddy Feeling? Excited for our next shower and looking forward to putting more baby items together. 

Total weight gain? I haven't weighed myself....

The Belly? It's more than a little bump now!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

28 weeks,,,,Third Trimester begins!

How far along: 28 weeks!

Size of baby: By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

Maternity clothes: Definitely Are a must at this point.

Sleep: Not the greatest with leg cramps and getting up to pee at 1, 3:30 and could be better.

Best moment of the week: Celebrating at the Winters shower :)

Movement: She's a squirmer! I can feel her when I'm sitting or laying down.

Symptoms:  None really...just really bad muscles cramps and I can feel the poor circulation starting....

Food cravings/aversions: Anything Sweet.....

Gender: It's a Girl!!

Belly button in or out: A bit shallower!

Stretch marks: Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss: Sleeping normally.

What I am looking forward to: A night out with our friends tonight :)

Weekly wisdom: Prenatal massage is enough!

How is Mommy Feeling? Still stressed...I need to relax....

How is Daddy Feeling? Excited about taking pictures of the baby with his new DSLR camera!

Total weight gain? 15 pounds so far my scale....

The Belly? The small bump has expanded! :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

27 weeks...

How far along: 27 weeks!

Size of baby: This week, your baby weighs almost 2 pounds (like a head of cauliflower) and is about 14 1/2 inches long with her legs extended. She's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes, and perhaps even sucking her fingers. With more brain tissue developing, your baby's brain is very active now. While her lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if she were to be born now. Chalk up any tiny rhythmic movements you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don't bother her, so just relax and enjoy

Maternity clothes: Definitely Are a must at this point.

Sleep: Sleep has been MUCH better :) Only getting up at 1 and 3:30 to pee!

Best moment of the week: Feeling my little one get the hiccups!

Movement: She's on the move in the AM and when I lay down to go to bed. :)

Symptoms:  Starving...all the time!

Food cravings/aversions: Anything Sweet.....

Gender: It's a Girl!!

Belly button in or out: Still Shallow...but I can see it on the outs!

Stretch marks: Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss: Not having to pee every 2 hours at night....

What I am looking forward to: Our baby shower from the Winters family

Weekly wisdom: Keep on moving!

How is Mommy Feeling? A bit stressed with everything I've got going on....

How is Daddy Feeling? Excited to see friends and family at the shower.

Total weight gain? 15 pounds so far my scale....

The Belly? The small bump has expanded! :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

26 weeks

How far along: 26 weeks!

Size of baby: The network of nerves in your baby's ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. He may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. He's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when he's born and takes that first gulp of air. And he's continuing to put on baby fat. He now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches (an English hothouse cucumber) from head to heel.

Maternity clothes: Definitely Are a must at this point. Just bought some new work pants.

Sleep: I've been exhausted this week, but trying to build my stamina

Best moment of the week: Seeing my students!! :)

Movement: She's on the move in the AM and when I lay down to go to bed. :)

Symptoms:  A very sensitive stomach! UGH!

Food cravings/aversions: Anything Sweet.....

Gender: It's a Girl!!

Belly button in or out: Starting to become a bit more shallow...

Stretch marks: Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss: Not having to pee every 2 hours at night....

What I am looking forward to: Making it to the third trimester!

Weekly wisdom: Some things need to just slide...

How is Mommy Feeling? Overextended with going back to work full time...

How is Daddy Feeling? Looking forward to the third trimester!

Total weight gain? 15 pounds so far my scale....

The Belly? The small bump has expanded! :)

 Putting the chair together
 Enjoying the glider!!
26 week bump!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Week 25....

How far along: 25 weeks!

Size of baby: Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. Her weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but she's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she'll start to look more and more like a newborn. She's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.

Maternity clothes: Definitely Looking preggo!

Sleep: I've been exhausted this week!

Best moment of the week: Our Celebration put on by my BFF and her husband. I got to see so many good friends!

Movement: She's been miss flippy!

Symptoms:  A very sensitive stomach! UGH!

Food cravings/aversions: Nectarines! and Chocolate...

Gender: It's a Girl!!

Belly button in or out: Starting to become a bit more shallow...

Stretch marks: Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss: Not having to pee every 2 hours at night....

What I am looking forward to: Getting our comfy glider!

Weekly wisdom: Sleep...sleep and more sleep!

How is Mommy Feeling? Happy we graduated from childbirth classes :)

How is Daddy Feeling?

Total weight gain? 8 pounds so far by the doctor's office scale!  I've stopped weighing myself...

The Belly? The small bump has expanded! :)

Cupcakes that were DELISH from Cake Nouveau!
 Take home gifts were baby jars filled with our respective college colored M & M's
 Yummy food from Plum Market
 Our first and only college gear: A U of M bib!! :)
 "Made with Love (and Science) onesie" from my BFF
 Andrea made Feed the Baby Baggo :)

 And teether ladder golf!
 Hard to think we are finally having a baby shower!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

24 weeks...VIABILITY!!!!!!!

How far along: 24 weeks!

Size of baby: Baby's now the size of a papaya!
Baby's skin is becoming more opaque as the fat starts to pack on. And, thanks to the formation of small capillaries, her newly thick skin is taking on a fresh pink glow.

Maternity clothes: I found a pair of jeans!!!

Sleep: This week the sleep has been eh...I've had to pee a lot and I've had weird achiness when I want to sleep.

Best moment of the week: Getting into my classroom and seeing my coworkers :)

Movement: She's been miss flippy!

Symptoms:  A very sensitive stomach! UGH!

Food cravings/aversions: Nectarines! and Chocolate...which I don't have in the house at the moment..

Gender: It's a Girl!!

Belly button in or out: Starting to become a bit more shallow...

Stretch marks: Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss: A good night's sleep...

What I am looking forward to: Our first shower next weekend!

Weekly wisdom: Allow yourself to get help from others. :)

How is Mommy Feeling? Excited to start a new school year. Glad we hit VIABILITY!!!!

How is Daddy Feeling? Very excited about the shower and especially seeing Scott and Holli :)

Total weight gain? 8 pounds so far by the doctor's office scale!  I haven't weighed myself this past week.

The Belly? The small bump has expanded! :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

23 weeks!

 Completed Border
 The start of construction: 8:00
 No cursing :)
 The puppy guarding his little sister
 Sleeping on the "bump"
 22 weeks :)
How far along: 23 weeks!

Size of baby: 
Baby's now the size of a papaya!
Baby's little face is fully formed...minus the baby fat, of course. The next task at hand for baby: sprouting two teeny-tiny nipples!
Maternity clothes: I am wearing maternity pants with a mixture of my own tops still. I'm on the hunt for jeans.....

Sleep: Sleeping is going ok...I'm still up every few hours to pee. The snoogle has made a reappearance on the bed too.

Best moment of the week: Getting our nursery furniture :)

Movement:   She's been miss flippy!

Symptoms: Starting to feel a bit more sluggish...maybe it's because I know school is around the corner....

Food cravings/aversions: Nectarines!

Gender: It's a Girl!!

Belly button in or out: Starting to become a bit more shallow...

Stretch marks: Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss: Still Tequila! I really want a margarita!

What I am looking forward to:  Our first shower next weekend!

Weekly wisdom: I'm allowed to feel fat even though I'm pregnant.

How is Mommy Feeling? Sad that my summer is coming to a quick end!

How is Daddy Feeling? Highlight of the week: putting the crib together. Lowlight of the week: watching the 1980s birthing video in childbirth class


Total weight gain? 
8 pounds so far by the doctor's office scale!

The Belly? 
The bump has expanded! :) Tanner likes to walk all over it!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

22 weeks

How far along: 22 weeks!

Size of baby: 
Baby's now the size of a papaya! Baby's settling into sleep cycles, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. It shouldn't be hard to figure out when -- just pay attention to those kicks as they start and stop.
Maternity clothes: I am wearing maternity pants with a mixture of my own tops still.

Sleeping is going ok...I'm still up every few hours to pee. The snoogle has made a reappearance on the bed too.

Best moment of the week:
Putting up the border with my mommy!

  She's been miss flippy!

I'm still symptom free at the moment. :)

Food cravings/aversions:
I really haven't "craved" a lot this week.

It's a Girl!!

Belly button in or out:
Still an innie! :)

Stretch marks:
Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss:
Still Tequila!

What I am looking forward to: 
Getting the furniture on Thursday! :)

Weekly wisdom: I'm still taking time for me :)

How is Mommy Feeling? 
Getting a bit more tired as the weeks move on

How is Daddy Feeling? 
Looking forward to setting up the nursery and excited to feel her move!
Total weight gain? 
10 pounds so far.

The Belly? 
The bump has expanded! :)

What I'm looking forward to?
Putting the Nursery together :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

21 weeks

 "What mom? Isn't this my new playroom??"
How far along: 21 weeks!

Size of baby: 
Baby's now the size of a banana! Baby's digestive system is busy creating meconium (a tarry black substance made of swallowed amniotic fluid, digestive secretion, and dead cells), which will fill the first diaper after birth. And, if baby is a girl, her womb is now stocked up with her lifetime supply of six million eggs (the number will drop to around one million by birth).
Maternity clothes: Oh how I need them now! My belly is undeniable!

Sleeping is going ok...I'm up every few hours to pee.

Best moment of the week:
Knowing we are over the half way mark! 

  She's been miss flippy!

I'm actually symptom free at the moment. :)

Food cravings/aversions:
Fruit :)

It's a Girl!!

Belly button in or out:
Still an innie! :)

Stretch marks:
Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss:
Still Tequila!

What I am looking forward to: 
Putting up the border in the nursery! 

Weekly wisdom: Round Ligament Pain....HURTS!!!!!!! And whoever tells you they LOVE being pregnant, must be a liar ;)

How is Mommy Feeling? 
A bit nervous. I'm ready to hit week 24...

How is Daddy Feeling? 
Looking forward to our first shower and eagerly anticipating the arrival of the furniture
Total weight gain? 
10 pounds so far.

The Belly? 
The bump has expanded! :)

What I'm looking forward to?
Putting the border up in the Nursery :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

20 weeks means we're halfway!! :)

How far along: 20 weeks!

Size of baby: 
Baby's now the size of a cantaloupe! Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies respond best to tastes they've already had via amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you'd like your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch.
Maternity clothes: I love how my pants fall down....the stretchy is great, but falls down!

Sleeping MUCH BETTER with the aid of some benadryl!

Best moment of the week:
Having Patrick feel her move for this first time :)

  She's been miss flippy!

I'm actually symptom free at the moment. :)

Food cravings/aversions:

It's a Girl!!

Belly button in or out:
Still an innie! :)

Stretch marks:
Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss:
Still Tequila!

What I am looking forward to: 
Decorating the nursery :)

Weekly wisdom: I'm enjoying the days when the weather cools off!

How is Mommy Feeling? 
Excited to have reached the halfway point!

How is Daddy Feeling? 
It was amazing to feel her move :)
Total weight gain? 
6 pounds so far.

The Belly? 
I finally have a little bump. :)

What I'm looking forward to?
The nursery and getting the baby furniture in!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

19 weeks....It's a.....

GIRL! :) That moment of knowing our baby was healthy was amazing. I knew as soon as the ultrasound tech went to the abdomen it was a girl...she didn't even have to tell us. Of course, I burst into tears. I was an emotional wreck! Mainly because this journey has been so long, and I always worry that the baby isn't ok. I know many people were like "It's one of life's last shouldn't find out." Well, I can tell you whether it was at week 19 or week 40, it was one of the BEST surprises that the DH and I shared. It all of a sudden made the pregnancy that much more real, because I can say "my daughter" or "she" instead of it. :)

We told our parents with colored cupcakes. Having just gotten back from Washington DC, we made a blue and pink batch. I then frosted them with chocolate frosting so that no one could see what color the cake was inside the foil wrappers. All 4 of our parents came over and we were able to give them the big reveal! :) I think everyone had happy tears!
Here is the survey for the week :)

How far along: 19 weeks!

Size of baby: 
Baby's now the size of a mango! Vernix caseosa, a greasy white substance made of lanugo, oil, and dead skin cells (yum) now coats baby's skin, shielding it from the amniotic fluid. (Picture yourself after a nine-month bath, and the need for protection makes sense.) You might get to see the vernix at birth, especially if baby is premature.
Maternity clothes: Finally went to maternity shorts and pants. The pressure was causing me to want to pee all the time!

Sleeping MUCH BETTER with the aid of some benadryl!

Best moment of the week:
Finding out we were having a girl, feeling her move for the first time AND celebrating 3 years of wedded bliss with my hubby!

  Some flutters after I eat :)

I'm actually symptom free at the moment. :)

Food cravings/aversions:

It's a Girl!!

Belly button in or out:
Still an innie! :)

Stretch marks:
Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss:
Still Tequila!

What I am looking forward to: 
Putting the border up in the nursery.

Weekly wisdom: Keep doing yoga! It's been helping my back and neck! 

How is Mommy Feeling? 
So blessed that our baby girl is healthy!

How is Daddy Feeling? 
Excited to have a daughter :)
Looking forward to daddy-daughter dances :)
Can't wait to feel her move

Total weight gain? 
6 pounds so far.

The Belly? 
I finally have a little bump. :)

What I'm looking forward to?
Having this heat break!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

18 weeks...and a year ago......

Before I post my weekly update, I wanted to reflect that one year ago my DH and I started on this road to having a family. It's hard to believe that in one year how things can change. I know that isn't always the case for those of you who are on the same path, but know that one day a family will be yours. I believe that blessings aren't always wrapped up in pretty packages and delivered with rainbows and butterflies. Sometimes it takes some tears and raindrops in order to get that little blessing you've been waiting for. I've been walking this journey with a friend who is experiencing infertility due to endometriosis, and it's so hard, because you've walked in those shoes and you know what it feels like to want something so bad, and not matter how hard you "work" for it, it's not a guarantee. Her and all of the women out there who are faced with infertility know the pain and the struggles it takes, but in the end, there is a great reward. Sometimes it doesn't come in the form of biological children, but a child nonetheless.

The DH and I are so blessed to be celebrating 3 years of wedded bliss on July 19th! :) It's just another piece to our puzzle since that is the day we find out if we have a boy or a girl! Our BUG will no longer be unidentified! :)

So here is the 18 week survey! :)

How far along: 18 weeks!

Size of baby: 
Baby's now the size of a sweet potato. Baby's become amazingly mobile (compared to you, at least), passing the hours yawning, hiccupping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking, and swallowing. And baby is finally big enough that you'll soon be able to feel her movements.
Maternity clothes: Finally went to maternity shorts and pants. The pressure was causing me to want to pee all the time!

Sleeping MUCH BETTER with the aid of some benadryl!

Best moment of the week:
2 surprise parties and 2 baby showers and celebrating my Grammy's birthday. 

  Nothing yet, but we are getting close! :)

I'm actually symptom free at the moment. :)

Food cravings/aversions:

We find out on our 3 year anniversary...July 19th.

Belly button in or out:
Still an innie! :)

Stretch marks:
Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss:

What I am looking forward to: 
Our anniversary dinner at VOLT.

Weekly wisdom:
Take advantage of me time! It will be disappearing soon!!!

How is Mommy Feeling? 
I've been feeling great! :)

How is Daddy Feeling? 
Glad the baby can hear pearl jam. 

Total weight gain? 
5 pounds so far.

The Belly? 
I finally have a noticeable bump. :)

What I'm looking forward to?
Feeling the baby move, hopefully soon.  Finding out the gender! :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

17 weeks!

How far along: 17 weeks!

Size of baby:
  Baby's now the size of an onion!Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. His umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes now feature one-of-a-kind prints.

Maternity clothes: Still wearing my own clothes, with a mix of tops and shorts. :)

Sleeping MUCH BETTER with the aid of some benadryl!

Best moment of the week:
Getting the carpeting put in!

  Nothing yet, but we are getting close! :)

I'm actually symptom free at the moment. :)

Food cravings/aversions:
I still can't stand the smell of coffee. Salmon at my inlaws BBQ almost put me over the edge. I am craving cookies and cream slow churn ice cream. :) 

We find out on our 3 year anniversary...July 19th.

Belly button in or out:
Still an innie! :)

Stretch marks:
Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss:

What I am looking forward to: 
A weekend away with the hubby to Washington DC.

Weekly wisdom:
Take advantage of me time! It will be disappearing soon!!!

How is Mommy Feeling? 
MUCH BETTER now that my house is clean and not a disaster zone!

How is Daddy Feeling? 
Glad the baby can hear pearl jam. 

Total weight gain? 
One pound by my scale.

The Belly? 
My belly sticks out a little, but I know the baby belly is still under all that blub. Oh well.

What I'm looking forward to?
Feeling the baby move, hopefully soon.  Finding out the gender! :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

16 Weeks

How far along: 16 weeks!

Size of baby:
  Baby's now the size of an avocado! Watch what you say...tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean she can now pick up your voice. A few more minuscule changes: Eyebrows, lashes, and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming.

Maternity clothes: Still wearing my own clothes, with a mix of tops and shorts. :)

Terrible Insomnia. I was told I could try tylenol PM to help me get through the night.

Best moment of the week:
Hearing the heart beat :)

  Nothing yet, but we are getting close! :)

Everything seems to have disappears. Now it's just insomnia!

Food cravings/aversions:
I still can't stand the smell of coffee.

We find out on our 3 year anniversary...July 19th.

Belly button in or out:
Still an innie! :)

Stretch marks:
Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss:

What I am looking forward to:
Spending time with friends this weekend! As a well putting my house back together!

Weekly wisdom:
It's amazing what you can get done when you have to pack your house up for new carpeting!

How is Mommy Feeling? 
Tired from the insomnia.

How is Daddy Feeling? 
Lucky to be a daddy to be :)

Total weight gain? 
Really, nothing. 

The Belly? 
There is a bump, but it is still mostly fat.  My belly sticks out, but I know the baby belly is still under all that blub, so it is kinda embarrassing.

What I'm looking forward to?
Feeling the baby move, hopefully soon.  Oh and maybe sleeping at least more than 2 hours and then being wide awake.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

15 Weeks!

How far along: 15 weeks!

Size of baby:
  Baby's now the size of a naval orange! Continuing the march toward normal proportions, baby's legs now out-measure his arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably can't feel the movements just yet.

Maternity clothes: Still wearing my own clothes, with a mix of tops and shorts. :)

Having bad dreams about miscarrying. :(

Best moment of the week:
Starting the nursery.

  Just some pangs and twangs here or there.

Still just tired.

Food cravings/aversions:
I still can't stand the smell of coffee.

We find out in about 3 weeks!

Belly button in or out:
Still an innie! :)

Stretch marks:
Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss:

What I am looking forward to:
Having out carpeting done!!

Weekly wisdom:
Life is good when you don't have to worry about school! :)

How is Mommy Feeling? 
 Excited to get this whole baby process going!

How is Daddy Feeling? 
Wishing he could stay home and help with all the prep work.

Total weight gain? 
 about 3 lbs this far.

The Belly? 
There is a bump, but it is still mostly fat.  My belly sticks out, but I know the baby belly is still under all that blub, so it is kinda embarrassing.

What I'm looking forward to?
Feeling the baby move, hopefully soon. 
Finding out the sex...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

14 weeks!

How far along: 14 weeks!

Size of baby:   Now the size of a lemon, your baby is more fluid-like in his movements, so he’s no longer doing the jerk every time he repositions his arms and legs. Other developments this week include a roof of his own (inside his mouth, that is) as well as intestinal activity: His intestines are producing meconium (which is the waste that will make up his first bowel movement after birth). He is also sporting a downy coating of hair (lanugo) that keeps him nice and warm. Not to worry — you won't give birth to a monkey; baby fat will accumulate over the next few months and take over the function of keeping your baby warm and toasty —allowing most of that hair to shed.

Maternity clothes: Not really, My clothes still fit :)

Sleep: Blissful :) (esp when I get the bed to myself ;) )

Best moment of the week: Realizing I get to decorate the nursery!!

Movement:  Just some pangs and twangs here or there.

Symptoms: Just tired!

Food cravings/aversions: Chips and Salsa

Gender: We decided that we would like to find out :)

Belly button in or out: Still an innie! :)

Stretch marks: Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss: Tequila!

What I am looking forward to: Being done with the school year!!!

Weekly wisdom: Nothing seems to rattle me at the moment...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

13 weeks!

How far along: 13 weeks!

Size of baby:   Baby's now the size of a peach! Your fetus is forming teeth and vocal cords...savor this, their nonfunctional phase. Baby is approaching normal proportions, with his head now only one third the size of his body. And intestines are in the process of moving from the umbilical cord to baby's tummy -- much more convenient.

Maternity clothes: I bought comfy shorts and a belly band.

Sleep: I got a Snoolge! :) 

Best moment of the week: Singing "Haven't Met You Yet" at the baby's first Michael Buble Concert!

Movement:  My uterus is on the move!!

Symptoms:Just tired!

Food cravings/aversions: None at the moment

Gender: We decided that we would like to find out :)

Belly button in or out: Still an innie! :)

Stretch marks: Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss: Having lots of energy!

What I am looking forward to:Being done with the school year!!!

Weekly wisdom: Sleep, I don't think I can get enough of it right now!

We decided on baby furniture. We are going with the Urband Collection by Munire. :) Here is a picture. 
In addition, we are going to do a Tigger/Pooh theme. I have to go to BUY BUY BABY and get the border so I can get paint colors. :) We are also going to be getting new carpeting in the upstairs, which is exciting since the stuff we have now is kind of crappy! :)
I also love this video! I might steal the idea! :)