Completed Border
The start of construction: 8:00
No cursing :)
The puppy guarding his little sister
Sleeping on the "bump"
22 weeks :)
How far along: 23 weeks!
Size of baby: Baby's now the size of a papaya!
Baby's little face is fully formed...minus the baby fat, of course. The next task at hand for baby: sprouting two teeny-tiny nipples!
Size of baby: Baby's now the size of a papaya!
Baby's little face is fully formed...minus the baby fat, of course. The next task at hand for baby: sprouting two teeny-tiny nipples!
Maternity clothes: I am wearing maternity pants with a mixture of my own tops still. I'm on the hunt for jeans.....
Sleep: Sleeping is going ok...I'm still up every few hours to pee. The snoogle has made a reappearance on the bed too.
Best moment of the week: Getting our nursery furniture :)
Sleep: Sleeping is going ok...I'm still up every few hours to pee. The snoogle has made a reappearance on the bed too.
Best moment of the week: Getting our nursery furniture :)
Movement: She's been miss flippy!
Symptoms: Starting to feel a bit more sluggish...maybe it's because I know school is around the corner....
Food cravings/aversions: Nectarines!
Gender: It's a Girl!!
Belly button in or out: Starting to become a bit more shallow...
Stretch marks: Oh, I've had those before baby!
What I miss: Still Tequila! I really want a margarita!
What I am looking forward to: Our first shower next weekend!
Weekly wisdom: I'm allowed to feel fat even though I'm pregnant.
How is Mommy Feeling? Sad that my summer is coming to a quick end!
How is Daddy Feeling? Highlight of the week: putting the crib together. Lowlight of the week: watching the 1980s birthing video in childbirth class

Total weight gain?
8 pounds so far by the doctor's office scale!
The Belly?
The bump has expanded! :) Tanner likes to walk all over it!!
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