Thursday, April 28, 2011

Welcome Baby Winters!

We would like to introduce our 7w old tater tot, Baby Winters!

We are very relieved and excited to meet our little one for the first time! :) The BUG (Baby of Unidentified Gender) measured at 7 weeks exactly and had a heartrate of 145bpm. We were told IVF babies tend to measure on the small side, which I am AOK with! :) ( Our tater tot is only 2 days behind our conception date which isn't small at all :))

I can resume normal activity, and enjoy being pregnant! Our BUG is snug as a rug, and we couldn't be happier!

It didn't hit me that this all happened, until i got in the car, and heard "Haven't Met You Yet" by Michael Buble.

"I guess it's half timing, and the other half's luck
Wherever you are, whenever it's right
You'll come out of nowhere and into my life

And I know that we can be so amazing
And, baby, your love is gonna change me
And now I can see every possibility

And somehow I know that it'll all turn out
You'll make me work, so we can work to work it out
And I promise you, kid, I give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet"

We go back in 2 weeks for our next ultrasound on the 12th at 4:15. We are hoping then to hear the  heartbeat, and then we can graduate to the OB. We are looking at several in the area and will make a choice soon :)

Extreme exhaustion has set in, and I'm ready to go to bed right now. Maybe if I go to bed now..I can watch the royal hoopla in the morning.. ;) hee hee..

This is a HORRIBLE picture, but here I am at 7W. No baby bump, just belly fat ;)

Monday, April 25, 2011

First morning sickness?

I had my first bout with morning sickness this AM. It went south as soon as I hit the kitchen to make my toast. I did get in my car and then giggled. After all, isn't this what we have been waiting for? :) I went out and bought myself a lime green binder to start collecting all my paperwork. I also purchased a pregnancy journal and the 40+ weeks journal to help keep track of everything.

It is national infertility awarness week. As a result, I"m going to do my A_Z of infertility.

A - Age at Which you Started TTC: 28

B - Baby Dancing or Sex: Sex

C - Children Wanted: I would love two, but if all I manage to have is one I will be happy. I just want a family!

D - Dogs/Cats/Fill In Babies: My ruppy, Tanner :)

E - Essential Oils/Vitamins: I take a whole bunch! I now take my prenatal, Fish Oil, Vitamin D, and acidophilis

F - Fertility Meds I've Taken: Menopur, Brevelle, progesterone supps, and Fermara

G - Gain, What I have Gained from Infertility: A whole lot a patience!

H - HSG: Yes, gotta love dye filled tubes!

I - Infertile Pet Peeve: People not realizing that anything regarding pregnancy is a sensitive issue

J - Job Title: Special Education Teacher

K - Kids Names you are Afraid will be Taken: NOT TELLING!

L - Lengh of Time TTC - Was 20 months

M - Miscarriages: None thankfully

N - Number of Times you have Swiched REs: None. I trust my RE! :)

O - Overian Quality: Well... I did have a high FSH, but I think I'm in a good place now :)

P - POAS or Wait for AF: I've done both..usually my temps dictated that for me.

Q - Quote from an Obnoxious Fertile: "You just wait..."

S - Sperm: We've got good ones!

T - Time you Tried Naturally - 20 months

U - Uterus Quality: I though it was good, now I am not so sure

V - Vagina: yes, I have one!

W - What Baby Stuff do you Already Have: I have sweaters from my gma, a baby shirt from Harvard and Napa. :)

X - Xtra, Xtra, Hear all about it! I have a blog! Most people know, because I get tired of the "So when are you going to have a family?

Y - Yearly Exam: Yes

Z - Zits: I have always had perfect skin until I started IF meds, now I get a few spots sometimes!

I've almost made it to Thursday at 4:15....Here's to some more waiting!

Oh, and these made me laugh out loud! Who comes up with this????Maybe Patrick would like these cuff links.. :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

More waiting...

Well, I found out today that the Dr.s mother passed away, and our U/S was cancelled. I'm learning that every step of this journey is one of patience, and I guess I'm learning that I have a lot of it. While we are of course EXTREMELY bummed, life happens, and you cannot be mad at the doctor for having a death in the family. So, we continue to wait until next Thursday's ultrasound. Maybe our tater tot will be a little more visible.

Until then, I wish you all a happy and peaceful Easter!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Nervously awaiting our Ultrasound

So far, these last few days have gone AOK! Minus being a bit tired, I haven't had much to report. That makes me a little nervous, because you keep thinking to yourself  "Is everything still going as planned? Is baby Winters growing like he/she is supposed to?"

It's funny, because when most people get pregnant, their worrying (which probably never existed in the first place) really doesn't take hold. When you spend so many months with heartaches, and then you spend 4 LONG weeks agonizing and worrying about the IVF process, it's hard to really get "comfortable" being pregnant. It sounds silly, and people will say "but you are pregnant now! There isn't much to worry about." While it is true, I'm still PUPO, I feel like I walk on egg shells everyday, partially because I'm in this holding pattern again! By the end of this process, I think I've earned a medal for learning the virtue of patience.

The DH and I are anxiously awaiting that first ultrasound, and trust me, work is keeping me plenty busy.

The newest dilemma is whether or not I continue on with my hiphop class. Since I've never been pregnant before, I don't know the protocol with exercise...There isn't a lot of jumping involved, but it does get my heartrate up. I'm torn and confused. :(

As for now, I'm taking baby steps to get me to Friday.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Holy Beta Batman!

All is going well on the baby Winters front. I went for another slew of blood/urine tests this past Tuesday. My beta came back at 2375! It's on it's way up!!

We have scheduled our 1st U/S on Friday 4/22 at 11 am! **EEK!** I'm still in a state of shock and awe at this whole process!

It's been a bit of a struggle, because I am now in this world of "fertiles." After walking in the world of infertility for 20 months, I'm not sure I know how to be pregnant. It's hard because you are now in uncharted territory. It's hard to adjust into this new world. The once strong support system, needs to almost readjust.

The other thing I am trying to be super conscious of is any complaining. I know I'm goingt o have issues, but if God is going to give me morning sickness, I say BRING IT ON! I will puke from my toes! I've waited so long to be creating a little person, that nothing will upset me....well maybe almost nothing!

My new prenatal vitamins are wreaking havoc on my stomach, but I will continue to forge on, sour stomach or not! I will force myself to eat if I need to!

For now, I'm enjoying this new world, and taking baby steps toward the future.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Proceed with Caution...

because we are officially pregnant! :)

Last Saturday, I had relegated to the fact that my temps dropped, and I had the worst cramps coming on, which usually means, my period is knocking at my door. I had only peed on a HPT the day before to proved that the hCG shot was completely out of my system. If I got a positive, I wanted to know it was for REAL, not some false positive from the amount of hormones injected into my blood!

Sunday Morning, I woke up at like 6:00, and so did the DH. We decided to take the HPT since we thought we were preparing to do this whole IVF thing over again. Much to our surprise, the HPT, showed a second line. I think we were in disbelief, only because we were not expecting it at all.

Since we were on vacation with my parents, I didn't think I could keep it a secret for 6 more days. So we went over to their villa, and Patrick was pretending to do the crossword puzzle. He said "I'm stuck. What's an 8  letter word for 'bun in the oven?' and I held up the pregnancy test! :)

We went for our first Beta yesterday, and it was 19 post retrieval. My number was 887!

We did tell Patrick's parents and sister last night, whcih is why I've not been able to update the blog.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, do not post anything on facebook. We are not out of the clear, and I'm cautiously posting that we are pregnant.

I have my 2nd Beta on Tuesday which should give us a clearer picture on what is going on. We hope to have an ultra sound probably in 2 weeks. We remain cautiously optimistic, as we are not out of the woods by any means.

If all goes as planned, our little winters will be due around 12/12/11. :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Stay Tuned

Stay tuned to the blog...I'm not ignoring it. I'll give an update soon.
