I had my first bout with morning sickness this AM. It went south as soon as I hit the kitchen to make my toast. I did get in my car and then giggled. After all, isn't this what we have been waiting for? :) I went out and bought myself a lime green binder to start collecting all my paperwork. I also purchased a pregnancy journal and the 40+ weeks journal to help keep track of everything.
It is national infertility awarness week. As a result, I"m going to do my A_Z of infertility.
A - Age at Which you Started TTC: 28
B - Baby Dancing or Sex: Sex
C - Children Wanted: I would love two, but if all I manage to have is one I will be happy. I just want a family!
D - Dogs/Cats/Fill In Babies: My ruppy, Tanner :)
E - Essential Oils/Vitamins: I take a whole bunch! I now take my prenatal, Fish Oil, Vitamin D, and acidophilis
F - Fertility Meds I've Taken: Menopur, Brevelle, progesterone supps, and Fermara
G - Gain, What I have Gained from Infertility: A whole lot a patience!
H - HSG: Yes, gotta love dye filled tubes!
I - Infertile Pet Peeve: People not realizing that anything regarding pregnancy is a sensitive issue
J - Job Title: Special Education Teacher
K - Kids Names you are Afraid will be Taken: NOT TELLING!
L - Lengh of Time TTC - Was 20 months
M - Miscarriages: None thankfully
N - Number of Times you have Swiched REs: None. I trust my RE! :)
O - Overian Quality: Well... I did have a high FSH, but I think I'm in a good place now :)
P - POAS or Wait for AF: I've done both..usually my temps dictated that for me.
Q - Quote from an Obnoxious Fertile: "You just wait..."
S - Sperm: We've got good ones!
T - Time you Tried Naturally - 20 months
U - Uterus Quality: I though it was good, now I am not so sure
V - Vagina: yes, I have one!
W - What Baby Stuff do you Already Have: I have sweaters from my gma, a baby shirt from Harvard and Napa. :)
X - Xtra, Xtra, Hear all about it! I have a blog! Most people know, because I get tired of the "So when are you going to have a family?
Y - Yearly Exam: Yes
Z - Zits: I have always had perfect skin until I started IF meds, now I get a few spots sometimes!
I've almost made it to Thursday at 4:15....Here's to some more waiting!
Oh, and these made me laugh out loud! Who comes up with this????Maybe Patrick would like these cuff links.. :)
Morning sickness is a great sign of a healthy baby!!!! Can't wait to get a post update on Thurs!!!