We made it to week 9!
Our BUG was active and happy to see us at our latest U/S! It even had the hiccups! :) The heartbeat was 175, because I had just eaten some cottage cheese and a nutragrain bar. The little one is measuring at 9 weeks at 22mm. :)
How far along: 9 weeks!
Size of baby: Baby's now the size of a green olive!Your little embryo has now officially graduated to fetus-hood. Adding to the excitement, a Doppler ultrasound device might be able to pick up the beating heart. With basic physical structures in place and increasingly distinct facial features, baby is kind of starting to look like...well...a baby!
Maternity clothes: Two pounds, but I attribute it to my not so great eating habits...
Sleep: Been doing ok with my Calm Forte! :)
Best moment of the week: Getting to see our bug so big and active!
Movement: None yet!
Symptoms: Extreme exhaustion! The Morning sickness is GONE!
Food cravings/aversions: Hmm....A slurpee last night :)
Gender: We decided that we would like to find out :)
Belly button in or out: Still an innie! :)
Stretch marks: Oh, I've had those before baby!
What I miss: Being able to eat slami and ham on the antipasto Salad from Alibi....
What I am looking forward to: My next u/s appointment on Tuesday May 24th! :)
Weekly wisdom: I'm thankful that wanting to puke has gone away! It really doesn't last forever!!!
I was thinking about your BUG today! So cute! Glad to hear you are feeling good.