Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Week 25....

How far along: 25 weeks!

Size of baby: Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. Her weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but she's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she'll start to look more and more like a newborn. She's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.

Maternity clothes: Definitely Looking preggo!

Sleep: I've been exhausted this week!

Best moment of the week: Our Celebration put on by my BFF and her husband. I got to see so many good friends!

Movement: She's been miss flippy!

Symptoms:  A very sensitive stomach! UGH!

Food cravings/aversions: Nectarines! and Chocolate...

Gender: It's a Girl!!

Belly button in or out: Starting to become a bit more shallow...

Stretch marks: Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss: Not having to pee every 2 hours at night....

What I am looking forward to: Getting our comfy glider!

Weekly wisdom: Sleep...sleep and more sleep!

How is Mommy Feeling? Happy we graduated from childbirth classes :)

How is Daddy Feeling?

Total weight gain? 8 pounds so far by the doctor's office scale!  I've stopped weighing myself...

The Belly? The small bump has expanded! :)

Cupcakes that were DELISH from Cake Nouveau!
 Take home gifts were baby jars filled with our respective college colored M & M's
 Yummy food from Plum Market
 Our first and only college gear: A U of M bib!! :)
 "Made with Love (and Science) onesie" from my BFF
 Andrea made Feed the Baby Baggo :)

 And teether ladder golf!
 Hard to think we are finally having a baby shower!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

24 weeks...VIABILITY!!!!!!!

How far along: 24 weeks!

Size of baby: Baby's now the size of a papaya!
Baby's skin is becoming more opaque as the fat starts to pack on. And, thanks to the formation of small capillaries, her newly thick skin is taking on a fresh pink glow.

Maternity clothes: I found a pair of jeans!!!

Sleep: This week the sleep has been eh...I've had to pee a lot and I've had weird achiness when I want to sleep.

Best moment of the week: Getting into my classroom and seeing my coworkers :)

Movement: She's been miss flippy!

Symptoms:  A very sensitive stomach! UGH!

Food cravings/aversions: Nectarines! and Chocolate...which I don't have in the house at the moment..

Gender: It's a Girl!!

Belly button in or out: Starting to become a bit more shallow...

Stretch marks: Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss: A good night's sleep...

What I am looking forward to: Our first shower next weekend!

Weekly wisdom: Allow yourself to get help from others. :)

How is Mommy Feeling? Excited to start a new school year. Glad we hit VIABILITY!!!!

How is Daddy Feeling? Very excited about the shower and especially seeing Scott and Holli :)

Total weight gain? 8 pounds so far by the doctor's office scale!  I haven't weighed myself this past week.

The Belly? The small bump has expanded! :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

23 weeks!

 Completed Border
 The start of construction: 8:00
 No cursing :)
 The puppy guarding his little sister
 Sleeping on the "bump"
 22 weeks :)
How far along: 23 weeks!

Size of baby: 
Baby's now the size of a papaya!
Baby's little face is fully formed...minus the baby fat, of course. The next task at hand for baby: sprouting two teeny-tiny nipples!
Maternity clothes: I am wearing maternity pants with a mixture of my own tops still. I'm on the hunt for jeans.....

Sleep: Sleeping is going ok...I'm still up every few hours to pee. The snoogle has made a reappearance on the bed too.

Best moment of the week: Getting our nursery furniture :)

Movement:   She's been miss flippy!

Symptoms: Starting to feel a bit more sluggish...maybe it's because I know school is around the corner....

Food cravings/aversions: Nectarines!

Gender: It's a Girl!!

Belly button in or out: Starting to become a bit more shallow...

Stretch marks: Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss: Still Tequila! I really want a margarita!

What I am looking forward to:  Our first shower next weekend!

Weekly wisdom: I'm allowed to feel fat even though I'm pregnant.

How is Mommy Feeling? Sad that my summer is coming to a quick end!

How is Daddy Feeling? Highlight of the week: putting the crib together. Lowlight of the week: watching the 1980s birthing video in childbirth class


Total weight gain? 
8 pounds so far by the doctor's office scale!

The Belly? 
The bump has expanded! :) Tanner likes to walk all over it!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

22 weeks

How far along: 22 weeks!

Size of baby: 
Baby's now the size of a papaya! Baby's settling into sleep cycles, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. It shouldn't be hard to figure out when -- just pay attention to those kicks as they start and stop.
Maternity clothes: I am wearing maternity pants with a mixture of my own tops still.

Sleeping is going ok...I'm still up every few hours to pee. The snoogle has made a reappearance on the bed too.

Best moment of the week:
Putting up the border with my mommy!

  She's been miss flippy!

I'm still symptom free at the moment. :)

Food cravings/aversions:
I really haven't "craved" a lot this week.

It's a Girl!!

Belly button in or out:
Still an innie! :)

Stretch marks:
Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss:
Still Tequila!

What I am looking forward to: 
Getting the furniture on Thursday! :)

Weekly wisdom: I'm still taking time for me :)

How is Mommy Feeling? 
Getting a bit more tired as the weeks move on

How is Daddy Feeling? 
Looking forward to setting up the nursery and excited to feel her move!
Total weight gain? 
10 pounds so far.

The Belly? 
The bump has expanded! :)

What I'm looking forward to?
Putting the Nursery together :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

21 weeks

 "What mom? Isn't this my new playroom??"
How far along: 21 weeks!

Size of baby: 
Baby's now the size of a banana! Baby's digestive system is busy creating meconium (a tarry black substance made of swallowed amniotic fluid, digestive secretion, and dead cells), which will fill the first diaper after birth. And, if baby is a girl, her womb is now stocked up with her lifetime supply of six million eggs (the number will drop to around one million by birth).
Maternity clothes: Oh how I need them now! My belly is undeniable!

Sleeping is going ok...I'm up every few hours to pee.

Best moment of the week:
Knowing we are over the half way mark! 

  She's been miss flippy!

I'm actually symptom free at the moment. :)

Food cravings/aversions:
Fruit :)

It's a Girl!!

Belly button in or out:
Still an innie! :)

Stretch marks:
Oh, I've had those before baby!

What I miss:
Still Tequila!

What I am looking forward to: 
Putting up the border in the nursery! 

Weekly wisdom: Round Ligament Pain....HURTS!!!!!!! And whoever tells you they LOVE being pregnant, must be a liar ;)

How is Mommy Feeling? 
A bit nervous. I'm ready to hit week 24...

How is Daddy Feeling? 
Looking forward to our first shower and eagerly anticipating the arrival of the furniture
Total weight gain? 
10 pounds so far.

The Belly? 
The bump has expanded! :)

What I'm looking forward to?
Putting the border up in the Nursery :)