Friday, February 24, 2012


Well, we ALMOST built a house. I say almost because I came close to having a nervous breakdown. Why? I think was was afraid to be consumed with this house and then miss out on my baby girl's first year. What happens if she is our only child? What happens if I'm not longer able to have children? While I believe in my heart that we will have another baby, I have to face the reality that we may not be able to. I guess what it shows is that I will always be infertile. I know for a time I was pregnant, and blessed with a miracle, but that doesn't mean I won't have the same struggles again for baby number 2. It's a world that I was not part of for 9 months, but slowly walked back into as soon as my baby girl was born. It's a world where I know I find strength and support from those around me. One that is familiar. Here's to hoping baby #2 is around the corner...

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