Saturday, February 5, 2011

Today I wave my white flag...

I think we all have days where we can't keep it together.. right? We think " Why me?" It's not fair."  Seriously, someone has it out for me. I thought I lost my wedding ring AND then I fell on on a snow covered patch of ice. I'm an emotional train wreck. Sometimes I feel very alone in this's hard to explain to those around me. I do try to stay strong, and most days I can. These are the feelings of today...

I am sad . .  .  It is like mother nature is f*&*ing with me.  She has given me all of the parts, she just refuses to make them all work.  I think she is pissed that I have overwhelmed her with fertility drugs for months on end.  I am sad that I have to disappoint my husband yet again. I am sad that I can never really explain to a fertile “working” woman what this feels like to be overwhelmed with the appointments, u/s and disappointment of  infertility.
I am scared  . . . that I can’t keep doing this.  I am not myself anymore. I have lost so much joy through all of this.  I am scared of continuing to try anything to have a child and I am scared of not trying.  I am scared of western medicine, of trusting doctors. I am scared that my friends and family are just so tired of all of this.  I find myself trying not to share too much with them because I feel guilty of burdening them.  But most of all I am scared of how long this journey will continue.
I am sick and tired . . .my poor body just can’t seem to bounce back from the hyperstimulation.  My BBT is all over the place and I have gotten no signs of any ovulation. Just two giant cysts sitting there. If you add that to emotional stress of just "waiting",  I just want to scream “mercy”!
I am overwhelmed . . .  by what lies ahead. I know I can’t keep going like this. The money we keep pouring into this is insane. Will it all be worth it in the end?

Today is just one of those days where I wish I could curl up under the covers and just sleep the world away. A few babysteps backwards. Today I wave my white flag...

1 comment:

  1. I so know what you are feeling. I remember hitting my bottom point when I literaly cried myself to sleep on my bedroom floor one night. I think that was the point where I realized that I just had to give up control...not an easy thing to do. We try so hard thinking, "Maybe if I do this, or I do that..." but in the end, we can only do so much. One quote that helped get me through, "When we've done all we can, God does the rest." Saying an extra prayer for you tonight...
