Sunday, November 28, 2010


Today was day 7 u/s and blood work. The good news, I have follicles. The bad news, I only have one 6 mm follie on the right and 3 follies on the left (13, 12 and 8). In addition, my FSH levels are on the high side at 9.7. Anything over 10, is typical of someone in their late 30s. So here again, we take a few baby steps back. The doctor wasn't completely downtrodden about my situation, but said we needed to take more aggressive measures next time. I know that it only takes one egg to make a baby, so maybe this all will work out, but I have this gut instinct that we will be waiting to do the IVF in the new year.

I did do some research about high FSH levels and most websites recommend acupuncture and yoga. So, here I go with some more needles and I will be doing  my best to get to yoga 3 times a week. I think it's a sign from above. Updog yoga and Red Lotus, be prepared to be seeing me! :)

Baby steps, we keep telling ourselves....

1 comment:

  1. I know it can be frustrating to not see more follicles, but I bet that more will sneak in there before you know it. (Our nurse told me I had only a couple before our trigger shot, and I ended up with 9 in the end!) And you are right, it only takes one, and even if your FSH is a little elevated this month, women in their late 30's and 40's get pregnant all the time. Still, I can understand how you are feeling. Good for you for being proactive with the yoga and acupuncture! Hoping they keep growing!!!
