Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Inching closer

Today was CD 1. I could feel it coming on, and sure enough, AF arrived! So the Dr. called and I got in for an U/S appt at 2:45. I was extremely nervous because the last time I went to start this process, I had cysts. BUT today, we were clear!!!! So we are set to start the 4 viles of Brevelle and 1 menopur on Thursday! I'm excited to start, but I do only have 3 "pre follies" on the right ovary and 2 "pre follies" on the left. So now I start praying that these 5 mature to give us enough to work with in about 2 weeks! The retrieval is set to be somewhere around the 21st and transfer around the 25th, but before we can even get that far, we need enough follicles. My lenten sacrifice to pray everyday for an Easter Miracle...God should be listening right?

Your continued prayers are welcomed!


  1. Been following your blog since you shared the link with me!!! I hope everything goes well and you get your Easter miracle!!!

  2. Hooray! Easter is such a wonderful and inspiring time to be praying for new life. :)
